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Highest National Park

  /  Highest National Park
A High Mountain Park

Huascaran National Park

LHuascaran National Park is located in the north central part the Andean Sierras in the Department of Ancash. The park protects the Cordillera Blanca, considered to be the highest and most extensive tropical mountain range in the worid. Covering over 340 thousand hectares with alttudes from 2400 to 6768 mas1, t is knowm worldwide as “The Huascaran Biosphere Reserve” and as “A Natural Heritage Site for Humanity”.

In the highest altitudes of the Cordillera the temperatures range from 0 C to 7 C with higher temperatures and warmer weather at lower altitudes. The Huascaran Nacional Park, within the Majestic Cordillera Blanca, has more than 30 glaciated peaks over 6000 m.as.I

with the tallest being Huascaran, sitting at 6.768 meters.  This mountain range offers real challenges for mountaineering and is quickly  becoming an important destination to practice adventure sports.

Lovers of Advemure Tounsm can dimb the most beautiful mountains in Perú, go hiking, practice high mountain skiing, snowboarding. camping. paragliding hang-gliding, mountain biking, canoeing, kayaking, etc.

Good to Know

Perú, South America.
Visa Requirements
Visa in not needed.
Languages spoken
Quechua, Spanish, English
Currency used
Peruvian Sol. (S/.)
Area (Hectaria)


Valid passport required. No visa is necessary for U.S. tourists holding a valid passport, but a formal extension is requiredif the visit exceeds 90 days. If you lose your passport, obtain a temporary replacement from your embassy in Lima.

Photographing airports, military bases and police stations is forbidden. In some churches and museums, it is also forbidden to take photographs or make video recordings.

It is strictly forbidden to transport illegal drugs. Offenders will be arrested and jailed. Under no circumstance should you accept to carry in your luggage packages belonging to strangers.

If you wish to visit the jungle, you should get an immunization for yellow fever. Covid.19 Vaccinatios are NOT requiered.


As in any big city, tourists in Lima may be the target of robberies and other unpleasant situations. We recommend that you take certain precautions wherever you travel:
• Use a money belt and carry only the amount of money you plan to spend on a given day.
• Leave your airline tickets, money and other valuables in your hotel. Don’t walk on dark, deserted streets at night.
• Avoid areas with crowds and many street vendors.
• Keep cose track of bags, cameras and other valuables.
• Avoid talking with people who approach you to offer services in bus terminals or isolated areas.

• In case of robbery, report the incident at the nearest police station and for emergencies call 105.

220V. Appliances using 110V will require a transformer.

Drink only sealed, bottled water of a known brand. When hiking in the mountains, boil or purify the water. Be careful to wash raw vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Avoid eating food from street vendors. The change of food can cause diarrhea. Ask in a pharmacy for local anti-diarrheal medication.

Because of the altitude, travelers with heart problems or high blood pressure should check with a doctor in advance or if any problem arises. If you plan to visit the highlands, take it easy for the first 2 or 3 days and drink a lot of water to avoid
mountain sickness (soroche). If you get a headache, drink coca tea (mate de coca) for some relief. Always carry sunscreen, glasses and a cap for UV protection.

Peruvian law prohibits and prosecutes the sale and export of all types of wild plants
and animals and original objects of national cultural heritage, without special
permissions from INRENA or the National Institute of Culture. Avoid buying such

There are hotels and lodgings of all categories and costs. It is highly recommended to make reservations well in advance of the peak tourist season (May –  September). Other posibilities are family-run bed and breakfast lodgings. Ask about
check-out times at hotels to avoid additional charges.

What To do?

Perú is the contry where you can do:

Mountaineering Courses
Tours Sightseeing