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¡Descubre la belleza de INDEPENDENCIA y contribuye a su preservación!

INDEPENDENCIA, Huaraz, Perú es un destino impresionante que ofrece una experiencia única y sostenible. Aquí te presentamos algunas razones por las que debes visitarlo y cómo puedes ayudar a proteger este maravilloso entorno:

1. Naturaleza Virgen: Explora paisajes intactos, desde exuberantes nevados hasta lagunas turquesas y baños termales. Disfruta de la flora, fauna y costumbres autóctonas en su hábitat natural.

2. Actividades Ecológicas: Participa en actividades sostenibles como el senderismo, observación de aves, fotografía y tours guiados por expertos locales. Todas estas actividades están diseñadas para minimizar el impacto ambiental.

3. Alojamiento Sostenible: Elige entre una variedad de alojamientos ecológicos que operan con prácticas sostenibles, desde el uso de energía renovable hasta la gestión responsable de residuos.

4. Apoyo a la Comunidad Local: Tu visita contribuye directamente a la economía local. Los tours y productos son ofrecidos por habitantes de la zona, quienes se benefician directamente de tu visita a través de las agencias de turismo.

5. Educación y Conciencia Ambiental: Aprende de una forma amena sobre la importancia de conservar estos ecosistemas únicos. Los programas educativos y las visitas guiadas proporcionan información sobre cómo cada uno de nosotros puede marcar la diferencia.

6. Contribuye a la Conservación: Parte de los ingresos generados por el turismo se destinan a proyectos de conservación que aseguran que las comunidades  permanezca hermoso y accesible para futuras generaciones.

¡Sé un turista responsable! Al seguir estas prácticas sostenibles, ayudas a mantener INDEPENDENCIA tan deslumbrante como lo encontraste. Cada pequeño gesto cuenta: reduce, reutiliza, recicla y respeta las normas locales.



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Climbing Mt. Ulta

$140 $110
Mount Small Ulta (also known as Nevado Chico) is a prominent peak in the Cordillera Blanca range of the Peruvian Andes. It stands at an elevation of approximately 5,305 meters (17,492 feet) above sea level. The Cordillera Blanca is renowned for its stunning alpine scenery, towering peaks, and challenging mountaineering opportunities, making it a popular destination for climbers and adventurers from around the world.
Full day
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Sed a accumsan orci. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nullam porta dolor vel quam consequat luctus.
10 Days
On Budget
The Frozen Lake in the Huascaran National Park 4500 m. It is perfect for adventure and outdoor lovers.
Full day
Full day
d "Ruta de los Cóndores"
Nueva impresionante Ruta en el Circuito de Huayhuash - LA RUTA DE LOS CONDORES - . Donde podrás descubrir las impresionantes vistas de los nevados más lindos de los Andes, también podrás contemplar más de 10 lagunas cristalinas y admirar el famoso vuelo del Cóndor Andino. Ah! y no te olvides de preparar la cámara para la montaña de 7 colores.
4 Days

Huayhuash Trek

$1200 $900
Hiking around the Cordillera Huayhuash begins in the city of Chiquián (3400 meters), 111 km south of Huaraz city. This little-known route is one of the most beautiful and impressive. The trek takes approximately 2 weeks and winds through such spectacular mountains as Yerupajá (at 6,634 meters, the second highest in the Peruvian Andes), Jirishanca, Siulá Grande, Rondoy, Ninashanca and Rasac. This trail pases incomparably breath-taking lakes of crystalline water and tiny villages seemingly out of touch with the rest of the world - a wonderful recompense for those willing…
8 Days
8.0 Superb
Ven a compartir con tu pareja de este emocionante tours y aventura. Y tómate una foto jamás antes vista aquí al pie del Nevado Huascaran 6768 msnm. Además de pasear en bote también con tu pareja contemplando las aguas de color turquesa del la Laguna Llanganuco 3850 msnm.
Full Day

Mt. Alpamayo 5745m

$2500 $2400
Alpamayo was nominated “THE MOST BEAUTIFIL MOUNTAIN IN THE WORLD” during a 1966 photographic exposition in Munich, Germany.
8 Days
Special Offer
Chopicalqui is a little difficult than the intermediate difficulty of the 6,000m peaks in the range. Really nice views from two valleys Llanganuco and Ulta. Also Chopicalqui is known as the east peack of Huascarán. Chopicalqui is the highest, most beautiful peaks in the Cordillera Blanca with his ridge with a moderate snow climb to a spectaular Summit pyramid.
4 days
Minimal 2 people
Huarapasca is a rarely climbed mountain. What makes it an attractive objective is that it can be climbed with a very short approach from the car. The two principle routes are a more technical one from the south and an easier from the southeast. The mountain can be climbed all year
Full Day Trip

Mt. Huascaran 6768 m

$1300 $1150
Huascarán south is the highest mountain in Perú. It is truly a big mountin, creating its, own eather. The Garganta route provides a loto f glacier travel and big crevasses, along with unavodable avalanche hazards.  Get fit and cclimatized on other peaks, then attempt Huascarán, fast and light, in only 7 days.
7 Days

Mt. Ishinca 5450m

$700 $600
Ishinca is a great climb for those who don´t have much mountaineering experience
3 Days
Full day tour

Mt. Mateo 5200m

$160 $150
Did you know? Mt. Mateo is the most easy climbing mountain over 5200m aroun sud America that you can get the summit in only full day.
Full day Trip

Mt. Pisco 5750m

$1000 $900
Pisco, is ideal for bigginer climbers because Pisco is one of the most easy mountain that you can climbing around South America.
3 Days

Mt. Rasac 6040m

$1900 $1800
Rasac is ideal for climbers who are looking for new experiences and new routs to explore in South America.
7 Days
Tocllaraju is one of the most beautiful mountains in the Cordillera Blanca range in Perú.  It is a challnging peak.  Yet not too difficult for a first 6,000m peack.  Adventurous yet moderate ice climbing, and an exposed ridge lead to a perfect Summit.  This classic two-day mountaneering adventure is not to be missed.
4 Days
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7.2 Superb
Vallunaraju is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the stunning nature of the Peruvian Andes, with panoramic views of snow-capped peaks and glaciers.
1 - 2 Days
180m of snow wall and 68° inclination for climbing in one day.
02 Days / 01 Night
Inkas Land is a country where you can find everything you were looking for all this time. The 7 wonderful is here, and you can see it taking our new way to aprocching this magnific place. "Pack your six sence and come to Perú"
5 Days

Perú, 7 Colors

$45 $35
Winikunka, is the 7 colors mountain. Ideal for people who love to trek and discover new sites.
1 day

Rock Climbing

$50 $45
The rock climbing workshop in the majestic Cordillera Blanca of Peru! Today, we'll venture into the vertical granite walls and towering mountains of this unique region. Before we begin, let's remember the importance of safety and respect for the environment.
Full day Work Shop
This the newest way of Santa Cruz Trek. Perfect for people how has not much time to do all the 4 days loops of Santa Cruz trek. So here you visit the most nice part of the this trek includding the famous LAKE 69. Dere your self and come to this adventure trek  in only 2 days
2 days
a Save 50%

Scuba Diving

$1290 $1100
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Sed a accumsan orci. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nullam porta dolor vel quam consequat luctus.
30 Km (by Food & by horse) we are are going to have really nice view with many mountains around the hole trek as Huantsan 5703 m and Shacsha 5610m. And Villages as Olleros and Jauna.
3 days
The Real Nice place for Climbing outdoor in Thailand.
3 days
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Sed a accumsan orci. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nullam porta dolor vel quam consequat luctus.
15 Days


$2830 $2730
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Sed a accumsan orci. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nullam porta dolor vel quam consequat luctus.
10 Days

Thailand, Phuket

$1000 $900
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Sed a accumsan orci. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nullam porta dolor vel quam consequat luctus.
5 Days
Discount 20%

Tour Llanganuco

$40 $20
This is a new tourist route to the Llanganuco Lagoon, where, in addition to boating, you'll have the opportunity to experience the highest Zip Line on the planet. Your photos will be stunning as you'll be suspended in front of the majestic Huascarán Mountain in Peru's Cordillera Blanca.
Full day
Glacier of Pastoruri 5000m it is a good challenge for all families.
Full day
The biggest Lake of Perú. And you can visit it in only 2 days from Lima - Perú.
full day
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Sed a accumsan orci. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nullam porta dolor vel quam consequat luctus.
Full Day Trip
Chavin National Museum Jirón 17 de Enero north s/n. Opening hours, Tues-Sun: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Tel. (043) 45 4011. Dedicated to the Chavín culture, this museum displays ceramic pieces, stone objects, and nailed heads. It also includes a collection of pututos, an Andean shell instrument discovered in the ceremonial center and used for rituals held in the circus.
Full day
High Season

Trekking 69 Lake

$100 $85
8.0 Superb
Traditional hiking to 69 lake. taking only 3 hour up hiking. Ideal for people how are looking for new adventures.
Full day
The most beautiful trek around the most beautiful Mountain around the world.
7 Days
Really near to Huaraz cit, and really nice hikking
Full Day
a 25% off
In this trek we are going to cross the range in only 3 days. We are ging to get up 4950 m crossing the Cordillera Blanca. Fours days of aventure, trekking around rivers, lakes and two Valleys we inside by the Quilkayhuanca and ww go out through the Cojup valley.
3 Days
20% Discount
Fours days trekking around the Cordillera Blanca in the Hightst National Park around South America.
4 Days

Uyuni Salt

$1200 $1000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ligula aliquam, malesuada ex ac, auctor nibh. Nunc tincidunt lectus finibus dolor porttitor, nec rutrum dui mattis. Sed a accumsan orci. Sed eleifend sollicitudin nisl, eget tempor odio aliquam quis. Praesent rutrum aliquam tellus at congue. Nam id nisi posuere, auctor dolor in, malesuada massa. Nullam porta dolor vel quam consequat luctus.
7 Days
XXIV Edition 2024
Made it for people who need to be trained on regulations, procedures, techniques and professional notions about wilderness first response necessary to response in a high Andean environment, either as a FIRST LINE and / or to groups specialized rescue.
5 Days
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Altitude is a challange. we help you to do a good aclimatization with this sunset hiking.
Full Day Trip