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Tour Mt. Pastoruri
$45 $35 per person
Ruta de Cambio Climático: Due to its retreating glacier and the effects of global warming, Pastoruri is being observed as part of the route of dimate change. It was an area with easy access for tourists to ski and to walk up and touch the glacier, however this is not posible now. Pastoruri is located 80 km south of Huaraz. En route you can see the lamous Puya raimondi plants with their gigantic flower stalks. Nevado de Pastoruri is a place for people who love to where time with family and friends in the altitude. This is a really good and nice challenge
Huaraz city -
Departure Time
09:00 hrs -
Return Time
17:00 hrs -
Dress Code
Comfortable athletic clothing, hiking shoes, hat and warm jacket. -
National Park FeePersonal Mountain GuideTransportation/Car -
Not Included
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